song lyrics


Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

IU wishes for victory by wishing for the failure of the other teams

IU’s controversial message draws attention.
Recently, a posting titled “Stupid IU” was uploaded on various online community boards.
The posting was a conversation captured from an SNS. A schoolgirl tweeted IU, “Unnie! My school’s holding a track meet now. Please wish for victory for my class, Class C of the first-year students at OO Girls’ Middle School. It’s very noisy here.”
IU attracted attention as she replied, “Go class C! I hope all the other B, C, and D classes lose!”
Netizens who saw the posting commented: “IU’s comment is cute.” “Her controversial cheer must’ve already given the victory to the class C.” “IU has good sense in cheering others.” “I envy the girl.”

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