song lyrics


Senin, 12 November 2012

2AM’s Jo Kwon puts on a mustache and feels upbeat

Recently, Jo Kwon of 2AM has recently posted a picture of himself with a mustache.
On November 12, the star tweeted the photo with the comment “I get upbeat whenever I go to the airport because there are always fans welcoming me.”
A thick mustache appears just below his nose. He boasted his sense of fashion with a shirt and a pair of horn-rimmed glasses, and he makes a playful expression towards the camera. He manages to inspire laughter with his sense of humor highlighted with a mustache.
Netizens who saw the posting gave various reactions: “That single mustache makes Jo Kwon look like a completely different person.” “I’m glad to see how he has been doing lately.” “He looks good with the mustache.” “Jo Kwon looks cute.”

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