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Selasa, 11 Desember 2012

B1A4′s Gong Chan has a great rear end

B1A4′s Gong Chan has the best buttocks among idol stars.
Group B1A4 appeared on the December 12 episode of MBC Every1′s Week Idol and talk honestly about themselves.
Gong Chan, the youngest member of the group, drew a lot of attention by showing off his rear end. He was selected as the member with the best buttocks by the other group members. Jung Hyung Don, MC for the show, suggested they compare his buttocks with Gong Chan by saying, “I have a 70 million dollar buttocks among comedians.”
The two men standing next to each other comparing buttocks made the entire crew members laugh out loud.
Then Jung accepted that Gong Chan has the bet buttocks among idols. Defconn, another MC for the show, also said, “Jung does not usually compliment other buttocks. If he says so, he really means it.”
The show, in which B1A4 appears, will air on December 12 at 6:00 p.m.

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