song lyrics


Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

Roy Kim may be underestimated because of his good looks in Super Star K 4?

One of the top nine competitors of Super Star K 4, Roy Kim, left a strong impression about his performance which went perfectly with sentiment for an autumn night.
In the episode of’s Super Star K 4 that aired on October 19, Kim was spotted selecting Lee Moon Sae’s “Whistle” and performing it on a rival mission.
Mentioning Lee Moon Se as his role model, Kim explained why he has chosen the song. He said, “Instead of popular classics that many people are familiar with, I decided to perform this hidden treasure in my own way because I thought people would find attractive.”
Without any special effect involved on stage, he competed solely with his voice and appealed with his falsetto. Judges showed favor to his performance saying, “Although there weren’t any fancy techniques, you managed to make listeners feel comfortable.” “You’ve done a good job in making this music a part of you.”
Especially, the judge Yoon Gun highly complimented him saying, “It’s an extremely hard song, but you’ve done fairly well. I think your skills are somewhat underestimated because of your fine appearance. Also, you have relatively stable vocalization. If I were to give you a tip, try to minimize the bridge in the music.”
In the meantime, Ahn Ye Seul and Yeon Gyu Sung did not make it to the next stage.
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