song lyrics


Senin, 19 November 2012

Psy takes a picture with Justin Bieber

Psy recently took a picture with the popular American idol singer Justin Bieber.
On November 19, Psy uploaded a picture of himself with Bieber on his Twitter account with the comment, “I met Justin Bieber. I saw that he could perfectly dance to my song.”
In the picture, Psy is brightly smiling at the camera with Bieber. Bieber is especially attracting a lot of attention with a witty gesture.
Psy received a lot of attention at the 40th American Music Awards, which was held in LA on november 19 at 10:00 a.m. (Korean time), by performing “Gangnam Style” with MC Hammer.
Psy received the New Media Honoree at the awards, and Bieber received the Artist of the Year.

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