song lyrics


Senin, 17 September 2012

ZE:A’s Kwang Hee: “I changed my face to become an entertainer”

ZE:A’s Hwang Kwang Hee recently talked about his retouched face.
A father appeared on the September 17 episode of KBS’s Hello and said that he is worried about his high school senior son because he is dreamless.
MCs for the show asked guests, “Did your childhood dream come true?” Hwang answered, “My mother told me that the shape of my face looks like an entertainer. So I retouched my inner face to become an entertainer.”
Kim Dong Joon made many people laugh by saying, “I wanted to become an athlete. I tried hard but I had to quit because my parents didn’t approve. I decided to study but my brain didn’t approve. I followed my friend to an audition and I finally became a singer.”
The show will feature a woman, who worries about her friend because she is so shy that she can’t do anything by herself, a wife, who worries about her husband wearing idol stars costumes, and a daughter, who feels sad because her father has never praised her.

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