song lyrics


Rabu, 21 November 2012

J Kyun, a doppelganger of Song Joon Gi attract attention

J Kyun received the nickname ‘3 second Song Joong Ki.’
Recently on an online community board, a post titled “J Kyun looks like Song Joong Ki during his hip-hop days.”
In the picture, a comparison is made between the picture of J Kyun and still cuts of Song Joong Ki. The picture attracts attention because they resemble each other so much when seen from the side.
However, J Kyun gave a good laugh by saying, “I visited Sungkyunkwan University for a concert and saw Song Joong Ki. I am a squid when compared to him.”
J Kyun has been actively performing in underground since 2005 and received the nickname ‘hip-hop prince’ and also held a showcase as the representing K pop artist on Mucon Seoul 2012.

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