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Senin, 31 Desember 2012

SE7EN visits Bad Jazz Bar with his girlfriend Park Han Byul

Singer Park Jin Young recently released a picture that he took with SE7EN, Park Han Byul, and Jung Gyeo Woon.
On December 30, Park tweeted a picture with the comment, “If I envy them, it means I’m losing. I don’t envy envy envy envy… I envy you. Thank you Gyeo Woon and all for coming to see the Bad Jazz Bar.”
In the picture, Park is intimately posing with Jung, Park, and SE7EN for the camera. Their smiling faces drew a lot of attention.
People who saw the picture responded: “They are a pretty couple.” “They look really good together.” “If I envy them, it means I’m losing.” “The concert was fun.” “I wish good luck to the couple.” “I hope Park will meet a great woman too.”
Park will hold the Bad Jazz Bar at the Olympic Park in Seoul on December 31.

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