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Senin, 28 Januari 2013

f(x)’s Victoria takes self portraits with food

f(x)’s Victoria recently took self portraits in Taiwan with food.
Victoria posted pictures that she took with different types of food in Taiwan on January 26 and 27 on her Weibo account and drew a lot of attention.
She took the self portraits with dumplings, bubble tea, and a piece of strawberry cake with a satisfied look on her face.
She also commented on each picture, “Huge bubble tea in Taiwan. I will go to Changsha tomorrow.” “I finished performing successfully. Thank you I was happy to see many of you.”
People who saw the pictures responded: “You came here to eat.” “Eat a lot.” “I don’t know if her face is small or the bubble tea is big.” “She always looks pretty.”
f(x) attended the Red and White Entertainment Awards in Taiwan on January 26 and went to Changsha to shoot the Chinese variety show Happy Camp.

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