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Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

How funny is JYJ’s Kim Jae Joong in his first movie?

Pictures, which were captured from the movie Jackal is Coming, starring JYJ’s Kim Jae Joong and Song Ji Hyo, were released on October 29.
In the pictures, Kim is trying hard to survive from a legendary killer named Bong Min Jung (played by Song). He  inhales as much as he can to expand his belly and hide his abs. The pictures, in which Kim turned into a funny man, drew a lot of attention.
He also insists that he is not a real top star Choi Hun and sings a song to make it sound like something metallic. He gave various comic performances, which people have never seen before through small screen.
Kim made people laugh hard with the pictures, in which he tries hard to escape from the killer. Even though his hair is burning and his mouth is taped while he was tied up, he does everything he can to walk out alive. His different look in the movie made many people eagerly anticipate the movie.
When Kim attended a press conference for the movie, he said, “I wanted to play the important role and I had chance to appear on the movie so I wasn’t afraid of being goofy.”
The movie will be released on November 15.

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